Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hooray for a Successful Day!

We haven't had this much fun and success in a homeschool day in a while. I feel awesome! Ok, to begin with, we had a great Easter! Lots of running around but that's ok, the girls loved it. I didn't post yesterday's workboxes and now I can't remember them so oh well, forget it. :) I don't think there was anything unusual in them anyway. We STILL hadn't gotten to the poster so while I was setting up school today I put the poster 1st so that we had to do it. It came out great! I had a few suggestions for her on how she may want to set it up as far as spacial planning but she did the real work herself. I gave her small cards on the main water cycle things I wanted her to take from it (evaporation, precipitation, ground water, run off, clouds/gathering, pollution) and she had to include all those things in her poster and use the cards to label the poster. IF my stinkin camera worked I could put up a picture. She painted most of it but used some construction paper to cut out a mountain and the clouds. It looks fabo...well, except the part where she painted the snowy mountain red to look like a volcano. Despite my explanation that a volcano could never have snow on top she exercised her creative license. Oh well, it's ok.

So here were today's workboxes:
~~Poster (done...yay!!!!!)
~~Spelling (final page of these words, quiz tomorrow)
~~Book Adventure
~~Math (lots of fun, we had to open up apple cores that I've been saving to graph how many seeds in apples)
~~Journal (today's topic: Spring)
~~Phonics pages
~~New social studies unit. Today she's going to pick a country.
~~Electronic matching game

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