Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Great Day!

Yesterday was so dreary around here and I had gone to bed so late the night before that we took the day off in favor of cuddling under blankets on the couch :) Today I felt the need to play catch up and since she's been zipping right along lately I thought today would be a good day to add in a little more work and see how she handled it. In a word: fantastically! I think she seemed more focused if anything. Maybe it's just her mood today. But for math she was due for an assessment yesterday so I gave her that and a regular lesson page and she did both, no problem. Normally she does 1-2 phonics pages but today I gave her 3. They were tidy and completely correct. We also did a science lesson about the 3 main parts of a plant which she liked and set up a celery experiment with colored water so we can observe how the stem moves food and water. Very good day!! I'm going to try and stay focused for the rest of the week but it'll be hard with her recital this weekend. She has dance class tomorrow, then dress rehearsal on Friday, then the recital twice on Saturday! Talk about intense! She's so excited though. She wanted to get her hair cut last month but I told her she had to wait until after the recital. Now she wants me to take her on Sunday. lol, talk about impatient!!! I told her it was unlikely that we'd go Sunday with it being Mother's Day but we'd see. The nice thing about having the recital the night before Mother's Day is that my MIL and GMIL will come back here for supper afterwards, eliminating the need to go up there on Sunday. Thank goodness!!! I would say Mother's Day is pretty high on the list for me as far as holidays go...Christmas and Easter I can happily sit back and let the kids have the glory, Thanksgiving is about families, Birthday is no big thing to me. But I really feel like everything I ever wanted in a family I work so hard for and need that one day to be appreciated. Unfortunately Dan doesn't get it and I usually spend the day shuttling around between his mom and my mom and now my sister is a mom so I have to share the day with her as well. :) Maybe with the extra time this year Dan will think to focus on me a little bit...hahahahahahaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, here's todays info:

~~Phonics (X3)
~~Book Adventure
~~Math (assessment and lesson page)
~~Science with game and experiments
~~Math game (dominoes or yahtzee...tbd)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Fun Friday

Or is it LAZY Friday? I'm not up to setting up much today. I have a ton to do so we are having a laid back day...even more laid back than our typical Fun Friday, if that's possible. haha. The only 2 requirements today are spelling quiz (completed, got a 90) and book adventure. We just got a bunch of books from the library yesterday so she has plenty to choose from. She likes one called "Our Granny" about grandmothers and their differences. She thinks it's funny when it says "Our granny has a wobbly bottom." lol...and something about baggy underpants? It's a silly book but a really nice book about different types of grandmothers. For example, the first page says they might live in a house, apartment, farm, trailer, nursing home. It was the Story hour book yesterday and we enjoyed it so much we brought it home. Today I am working for our church's fair booth at a Ham radio festival all afternoon into the evening. Then tomorrow I'll be back there early and work until about 3. Jillian's having a sleepover with 3 friends tomorrow night and they are arriving at 4 (WHAT was I thinking???????). Then Sunday she has dance rehearsal for sacred dance at church then I'm hosting a Lia Sophia party. Sometimes I can't wait until Monday, except that Monday is craziness too. I guess Tuesday is my weekend!!! Oh, Jillian also needs to email my friend Vickie and thank her because she let us borrow her Sissix machine. Jillian and her friends are doing paper dolls at the party. :) Probably won't be back on here for a couple days, have a fantastic weekend!!!!!